butt exercises

5 Moves to Tighten Your Tooshie in No Time!

it’s no secret that everyone wants a toned and lifted backside and with all of the Jennifer Lopez and Kim Kardashian wannabees out there, the goal is usually the bigger, the better. Well call me crazy, but I don’t really want a bigger butt. I just want a nice, toned, sculpted butt. These 5 moves are all you need to get the backside of your dreams in no time!

1. Squats

HOW TO: Start with your feet hips-width apart and bending your knees, squat down as far as you can, keeping your knees behind your toes.

Squats are one of the best ways to tone and tighten your bum in no time. And there are so many varieties, you will never get bored! Mix it up with narrow or wide-leg squats, split squats, speed squats, or pulsing squats. You can target your inner thighs or outer thighs too just by changing your footing.

Regardless of what kinds of squats you are doing, practice proper form and go deep. That means sit back in your heels when you squat and try to eventually get your upper thighs parallel to the ground and your knees at a 90 degree angle to get the most burn for your buck. You can also hold weights while you squat for even more of a challenge. Trust me, your backside will be thanking you in no time!

2. Curtsy Lunges

HOW TO: Start with both feet hips-width apart. Step one foot back and behind the other at a 45 degree angle and squat down until your knee almost touches the floor. In other words, if you picture standing on a clock, facing 12, step back with your right foot first to the 8 and then repeat with your left foot stepping back to the 4.

These are one of my absolute favorite exercises. Not only are they extremely effective, but they aren’t hard to do and you can modify them based on your current fitness level, whatever that level is. You can also speed these up and make them more like a horizontal jumping squat but I recommend keeping it slow and controlled to be the most effective.

You can also add weight to this one to challenge yourself. Add these to your routine a few times a week and watch the inches melt away from your butt and thighs!

3. Bridges

HOW TO: Lay down on the ground on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Lift your hips off the floor until they make a straight line with your shoulders and your knees. Pause for a second and then lower back down to the ground. 

Dubbed as one of the most awkward moves to do at a public gym, bridges are another one of the most effective exercises to tighten your tooshie. And they’re extremely easy to do. Honestly, I like to do sets of 20 and complete around 100 during any one workout.

If you want to challenge yourself, keep your butt just slightly off the ground when you bring your hips down or hold it longer when your hips are at the top and really squeeze your buns. You’ll feel the burn in no time!

4. Donkey Kicks

HOW TO: Start on the ground on your hands and knees and lower down to your elbows on the ground. Take one leg at a time and tuck your knee into your chest and straighten your leg behind you and up into the air like a donkey kicking.

I will admit, this isn’t the most comfortable exercise to do, but it is effective. Really focus on tightening your bum when you fully extend your leg and you’ll have a lifted toosh you can proudly show off in your skinny jeans.

Adding ankle weights to these kicks is really effective at challenging not only your butt muscles, but your leg muscles as well.

5. Leg Lifts

HOW TO: Standing with your feet hips-width apart, raise your leg behind you and squeeze your butt muscles to get it as high as you can. Don’t forget to repeat on the other leg. 

Ballerinas use this move all the time and for good reason! They know how effective it is a tightening the muscles on your backside and strengthening your lower back and leg muscles as well.

You can also mix it up with this move by lifting your leg out to the front or the side. While they aren’t quite as effective at focusing on your buns, they do help tighten from your back to your legs.


There you have it: 5 moves to totally transform your backside in no time at all! I dare you to try them all and then see how sore you are tomorrow! I love feeling like I worked hard!