Home Gyms Vs. Local Gyms

Between home gyms and local gyms, many fitness fanatics have their preference, and rightfully so. Each has its pros and cons. But when you’re new to working out, how do you know where to start? Let’s compare…

Local Gyms

Locals gyms are often the starting place of many new fitness gurus. With the trending focus of gyms on “no judgment” campaigns, they have gained even more popularity. You really can’t beat the feeling of walking into a gym and being inspired by other people getting great workouts and be ready to knock out a great workout yourself. Let’s take a look at their other pros.


  • There is a great selection of machines and equipment that would cost hundreds if you were to invest in all of that equipment yourself.
  • You can experiment with different workouts, different moves, and different classes to find new workouts that you love. Even if you are committed to a particular exercise, everyone has days where they get bored and need new inspiration, or just want to try something different. Local gyms are a great place to do that.
  • As I said earlier, you can get great motivation from others at local gyms. There is an amazing social aspect among gym-goers that you can take advantage of and spend time with friends, as well as make new friends. You can find others that inspire you and learn new things through them.
  • One of the biggest benefits from going to the gym is just the idea that you are going to the gym. You are taking time out of your schedule to workout and it adds a mental component that will motivate you just by getting out of your house and away from distractions. You are more focused on working out and can likely get a better workout because you don’t have to worry about anything else.

Home Gyms

Home gyms are great in how flexible they are with your time and money, but they take a different kind of commitment. Let’s see what pros they have to offer.


  • “Judgment free” zones are not universal and it’s a shame, but a lot of people that walk into gyms all over the world instantly feel regret, shame, nervousness, and inferiority, and that gym relationship consequently doesn’t last long. For these individuals, home gyms seem 100 times better just because they don’t have to be around others that may judge them for their current fitness level or physique.
  • One of the biggest bonuses of home gyms is that they don’t have ongoing costs or membership dues. it may cost a little upfront to build your home gym, but you can do a ton of workouts without any equipment at all, and with very little cost, you can build a versatile home gym that can be very effective.
  • Home gyms are also extremely convenient. You don’t have to travel, you can workout whenever you want and you can much more easily work your exercise into your daily routine. This is especially helpful for moms with little ones at home or those that are extremely busy. You don’t have to wait for machines or wait for others to finish using equipment before you can continue with your workout. Therefore, you can finish your workout quicker and get a better workout in less time.
  • You can really make your workout, your workout. Blare your own music, mix up your own routines and work what you want to work on. There are no rules and no one is going to think you’re doing something silly because there isn’t anyone there to watch you.


The Verdict?

At the end of the day, the decision is really up to you and your exercising needs. Many prefer home gyms because of their low/no cost, flexibility and lack of judgment, but if you can’t be motivated enough on your own to actually complete your workout, then none of that matters. Whichever option consistently allows you to get the job done is the best option for you.

I personally prefer my home gym and I look at local gyms as more of an occasional treat: A chance to get away from life and focus on yourself and your body. If I could do that every day, maybe I would feel differently, but for my daily reality, it’s just not practical to go to a local gym all the time. I also like to try new things and mix up my workouts, quickly switching between cardio and strength training and make up my own workouts at home.

I invested in a few pieces of equipment to improve my home gym, like my treadmill, which I love! I really feel that a few pieces of foundational equipment can give you the best of both worlds and help you achieve amazing results in a way that works for you. Check out my article on How to Build Your Home Gym for Less to learn more!

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