How to Make Your Hair Grow, Naturally

So I’m sure there are some mamas out there who can relate to me in wanting your hair to grow faster. I don’t know if it’s part of nesting or that we just get tired of everything and want new make-up, new hair, new everything because we can’t change our bodies as fast or what, but my hair has been driving me nuts lately! And it doesn’t help that most days I don’t take the time to do anything more than pull it up in a bun after I take a shower.

With my last pregnancy, I started taking prenatals and my hair grew like crazy! And my close friends and family can attest that my hair normally grows faster than most. But this time around, it has come to a complete halt! I’m taking the same supplements as before, but it just won’t grow. One of the many wonders of why one pregnancy is different from another.

Whenever I had my first son, I was bound and determined not to be one of those moms who chopped off their hair right after having a baby.  I had read so many mommy articles that warned against it because women that do that just because they’re tired and want to change something to feel better about their appearance and ended up regretting it, only to start the long process of growing it back out.

And I was strong…at first. I went a few months without cutting my hair and thought I was doing really well until I decided to chop it off. I figured it had been long enough that it wasn’t an emotional decision, I still really wanted to do it and i figured that short hair would be easier to manage with a baby and I was so tired of my son pulling on it. But I should’ve known better!

I know from past experiences that my hair doesn’t lay as well when it’s short. It tends to get much curlier and frizzier and much less relaxed. So it ended up taking me longer to do my hair. And I made the decision right as I was starting back to work, which meant on those mornings when my son woke up earlier than I anticipated and I hadn’t finished getting ready, I had no back-up plan. I couldn’t just scrap the straightening idea and pull it up…it didn’t pull up. You can imagine the stressful mornings of trying to get out the door, get him to the babysitter and look somewhat decent for work.

That all being said, I am once again on the journey of growing it out. I got desperate the other day and almost bought hair extensions. But I decided that first, I would try to make it grow naturally.

Now if you’ve read my article, 10 Best Supplements to Make Your Skin Glow, I also talk about how Biotin helps your hair and nails grow faster. And does it ever! i took it for a few weeks earlier in my pregnancy and actually felt like my hair was finally growing again! If you want to really make your hair grow faster, combine supplements with this hair mask to nourish and moisturize your hair.

How to Make Your Hair Grow, Naturally


  • 1 Tbs. Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbs. Olive Oil
  • 2 Tbs. Honey
  • 1 Egg


  1. In a medium bowl, beat the egg until the yoke and the white are completely combined.
  2. In a separate small bowl, melt the coconut oil in the microwave for 10 seconds at a time until it's completely melted.
  3. Add the olive oil and the honey to the coconut oil.
  4. Add the egg to the mixture and combine well.
  5. **Over a sink or in the shower** Apply the mixture to your hair from root to tip.
  6. Massage your hair to create more blood circulation to the roots.
  7. Leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes, the longer the better, even overnight if you have a shower cap to sleep in.
  8. Rinse the mixture out and wash your hair as your normally would.
  9. Repeat once a week at a minimum for best results.
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I just started using this hair mask, but from what I’ve seen, it combines some of the strongest hair growth ingredients you can have just lying around your house. I’ll update you in a few weeks on my progress with using it and hopefully we can all have longer hair together!

For more information about how coconut oil is great for your hair, check out Coconut Oil: Why It’s So Good For You and How You Can Use It.

If you have any ideas about how to make your hair grow faster, let me know! I always love trying new things!

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