And as a mom, I know that summer means schedules go CRAZY!!!
And that’s where I’ve been lately. Living life, being a mom and running around like a mad woman trying to keep this juggling act afloat.
But every time this happens, and life starts to get a little out of control, I find myself pulling back and refocusing on what matters, and trying my hardest to make every day full of things that make me and my family happy. And one of those things is talking with all of you! I LOVE talking about healthy recipes and easy, effective workouts that everyone, especially moms, can work into their busy schedules. And that’s where I’m at.
I’m refocusing and getting back to helping all of you live the best lives you can.
I’m narrowing in on what makes me and my family live healthier lives and showing you how to do that in an easy, approachable way. Healthy living doesn’t have to be hard! And once you understand that, you really can achieve the healthy, happy life you want.
So let’s talk about focus, determination, and push.
Focus is defined as “a central point, as of attraction, attention, or activity.” Your focus is one of the most important things you can determine, because it establishes your goals, it establishes your direction and it, quite frankly, establishes your entire life. Your focus is what you’re working toward and it can be as simple as wanting to lose 10 pounds, or wanting to shape the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family.
What I have found, is that when your focus is important enough, it is THE central point of your attraction, your attention and your activities. In other words, everything in your life revolves around it and everything you do will shape and mold around getting you to that focal point.
Determination is what gets you to your focal point. Whatever your goal or focus is, you’re not going to get there by being lazy and not doing anything. You have to make positive changes, strategic steps and drive yourself to get to the next step. And each step you take is pushing you a little harder and a little harder until you get to where you want to be.
Perseverance is what gets you to the finish line when the going gets rough. Life isn’t perfect and it can get messy. You can have the best intentions and life throws you a curveball and knocks you way off track. Perseverance starts when you’re ready to give up. When you’ve had enough and you just want to say, “Forget it!” But if your focus is important enough, and your determination is strong enough, then perseverance will give you the extra push you need to get to your goals.
Keep On, Keeping On
So whatever your focus is, whatever you’re working toward, and wherever you are in your life, give it everything you’ve got. Don’t get discouraged and remember that it’s all part of the journey. Life isn’t about walking in a straight line from start to finish. It’s about winding roads, taking paths others may not take, experiencing new things and growing as a person. That INCLUDES getting knocked down and picking yourself up again. No matter how many times you’ve given up and started over, you can still accomplish your goals. The important thing to remember is to not give up before you get there.
And I will do the same. I will continue to live the healthiest life my family and I can, while still EXPERIENCING everything life has to offer. My new goals aren’t to count calories, and workout until I drop. They are to be healthy because it makes ME feel so much better and be happier while I’m doing everything else in my life. After all, life is too short to waste a single day feeling bad about yourself or being down on yourself. So, keep on, keeping on and don’t be afraid to take the journey. You never know what amazing things and places you’ll see along the way.