treadmills ellipticals

Treadmill VS. Elliptical

Pick your poison…treadmill or elliptical? Almost everyone has a preference and both have their pros and cons. What one lacks, the other makes up for and visa versa. But, if you had to choose, which would it be?


I personally LOVE treadmills. Don’t get me wrong, I would much rather walk or run outside on a beautiful day, but when the weather is less than perfect or you have babies sleeping in the other room, a treadmill is the perfect alternative to complete your workout. And the more features you have, the more options you can take advantage of.

I love that I can walk, run, incorporate hills, or mix it up with any of those options and weight lifting. For example, I like to walk at an incline for 3-5 minutes and then hop off the treadmill and do a series of 4-5 weight lifting exercises, like bicep curls, squats, butt kickers and tricep dips. Then, I’ll just get back on the treadmill and repeat the whole process. There are so many possibilities to change up your workout that it never gets old and the variation between cardio and lifting makes the time fly by!

Another great way to multitask your workout is to run and walk in intervals and use dumbbells on the treadmill on your slow intervals. Check out this workout on Women’s Health to see just how to do it!

I also love that my treadmill has an iPad dock that plugs into the speakers and a built in fan so even if you don’t feel like working out, you can watch Netflix and pretend that you’re just sitting on the couch. (Nice try, right? A girl can dream…)

You can also increase your workout intensity as you become more and more in shape. Start at a slow walk and gradually increase to intervals, hills and running to get in shape in no time!

My top picks for treadmill brands are Nordic Track and Bowflex. I have used both for years and they hold up well and feel sturdy while running on them or walking at faster speeds uphill. My husband and I recently purchased a Nordic Track C800 and we love it! I like to use the manual option and make up my workouts as I go, while my husband likes to use the pre-programmed workouts and intervals, so it works well for both of us.


Ellipticals are very versatile as well and have a lot of the same workout features as treadmills, like the iPad dock, built in programs and fans. And they are a great option for people who are just starting to exercise because they are easier on your joints than treadmills. A lot of people promote ellipticals for that reason. Some people also think ellipticals give you a better workout because you are essentially propelling the machine yourself, rather than running on a track that is already moving.

While I like to use ellipticals to mix things up and try something different for cardio, I’m not as much of a fan. I have found that no matter what brand I try, or how I adjust the settings, I can never workout that long on an elliptical before developing lower back pain from the angle of leaning forward on the machine. I also can’t stand how on a lot of machines, if you workout at a harder pace, your feet tend to move or slide on the footplate and require constant adjusting throughout your workout.

It also seems to take more effort to get a better workout…wait, did I just say that? Yes, and what I mean is that it’s oh so easy to just mess around on an elliptical and not really get your heart pumping or get a sweat going like a treadmill does. With a treadmill, the machine is moving, so you have to keep up or get off.

Now, I have used some higher grade ellipticals that don’t seem to have as much of the same problem, but you better be ready to fork over some major cash to get a comfortable one that feels like it’s sturdy enough to operate. Overall, from the brands I’ve tried, I just don’t find them as comfortable.

To be fair, ellipticals can be a great workout tool and many people prefer them over treadmills or other equipment, and I can totally see their merit. I just feel much more comfortable on a treadmill. Whatever your preference, I recommend trying out both options at your local gym and see what you like multiple times before investing in one. And if you do invest in one for your home, expect to spend a little money on it. You definitely don’t want to buy a cheap machine because you’ll likely end up not using it. Research what you’re looking for, how you want to use it and which brand or model best suits your needs. And then, USE IT! (For more than a laundry rack…)


Disclaimer…this post contains links to companies that have no affiliation with Purely Unrefined. The views and opinions mentioned do not reflect the companies listed, it is solely my own opinion, and I am not compensated for mentioning these companies or their products in any way.